Some of you may have recently been told your Vitamin D is low or that you are deficient. You are not alone as in the past this was not a routine test checked by physicians. With the heightened awareness of “deficiencies” it is ordered on a more routine basis and approximately 40% of the United States has inadequate supplies of this very popular Vitamin. It is important to note that the Vitamin D Council estimates that 20% of physicians in the United States order the wrong test to truly assess Vitamin D levels. 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D is the wrong test as it measures the hormone calcitrol and is manipulated by calcium intake so make sure when your doctor orders this test that the right test is ordered, 25(OH)D or 25- hydroxy vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that’s created in your body with sun exposure. It is also found in egg yolk, salmon, mackerel, cod oil, fish oil, fortified cheese, fortified milk, beef liver and some fortified breads and cereals. ...