This article came to my email the other day and although it is short, I thought it was great. Often when cruising the internet, I read about the newest Super Foods and their claims. Sometimes they hold a little truth, and often times they promise the world with little collaborative thought. What I liked most about this publishing was this quote: "But for virtually every "health food," there are potential problems along with more commonly extolled virtues." We live in a busy society. Most of us have jobs that exceed 8 hours a day or involve incredible commutes. We have children, school, continuing education courses, the stress of taking care of sick family members, the priority to exercise and the time it takes to do it and more. We all, including me, want to believe that something will make life easier especially when it comes to health. This desire for ease, however, makes us become easy prey to incredible claims. Often when a company is promoting a "mir...