Lately, I've been reflecting a lot on success. Particularly on how to measure it, how to predict it, and how to promote it. I've realized I often assess this at the very first visit with my clients and sometimes redefine it throughout the weight loss, management, performance journey. As I've worked with thousands of clients I can usually predict success within the first 10 minutes of meeting a new client, individual, or friend who speaks to me about their nutrition and fitness goals. Today, I'd like to share my opinion on what promotes success in my arena and potentially in life. 1) Breed Acceptance A lot of people come to me when they are at their wits end. They've tried everything their friends, Dr. Oz, and the woman at the grocery store told them to try and they can't lose the weight, or increase their performance, or promote muscle definition. They are frustrated and they just know something is wrong. Once we assess the situation, we talk...