With every new year comes new gimmicks. Um, I mean diets or food trends. Yes that's what we'll call it. I'm going to be honest with you, the New Year kind of drives me nuts. It's not that I don't appreciate a resolution or a desire to change, it's that I don't get why it can only happen in January and why it has to be something totally unconventional. There's no need for me to point out specifics or name call here but let's discuss a couple of things just to give you food for thought.
What miraculous ingredients does a shake have that helps you burn fat, build more muscle, or replace an actual complete meal? Doesn't it get you a little angry that the people marketing this product assume you trust everything printed on a label and then have the nerve to sell you the product for a ridiculous amount of money? How can a powder, which is degraded protein, be more wholesome than the real thing and why on earth does this single product have more protein than you require in a single meal? Eating more protein than you need, just like any other macronutrient, increases fat storage.
How about the "ho hum" diet. "Eliminate this completely and your body will no longer suffer from inflammation." How do we test for inflammation? Don't you worry you can do an online assessment and we can just tell based on your answers. Never mind that one of the main food groups we are eliminating helps prevent against osteoporosis and vitamin deficiencies.
Or how about forcing yourself to fast for a day or 2. Don't worry, you are training your body to utilize it's fat stores more efficiently. It doesn't matter a single bit what you eat when off the fast because your body will learn now to muddle through and bam your metabolism will be so efficient.
I am not against believing in something. In fact, believing in something and surrounding yourself with like people helps with accountability and success, but it's exhausting to see how the media and billion dollar companies are manipulating people.
The fact is there isn't a food or shake out there that can tell your body to digest or absorb it differently. If you fast your body will be forced to go into anabolism. Your body will store your next meal and your metabolism will suffer greatly. Give it some time.
I've gotten used to this cycle so I'll just ignore the commercials and all the ads on the internet while I gear up up for May, Kindred's biggest month. The month when everyone comes to me for their second resolution. I will welcome all my new clients with great empathy after they tell me their story and talk about how much they've drained their bank account. We'll start a new plan and it will focus on whole foods, science, & feasibility. We'll work together until he or she is confident to stand alone and when we see each other in public, we will politely smile ear to ear because of the new truth and understanding of how much your life can change in a realistic, more affordable way.
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