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Risky Resolutions

The New Year.

It's common to yearn for a return to normal structure of life after the holidays. Let's face it, the holidays are busy, stressful, and lead to more gluttony than one would like to rehash. From a nutrition and body image perspective, the negative feelings you feel January 1st are most likely directly related to the judgment you have on your eating, drinking, or lack of exercise over an extremely stressful time.  What's my advice? I'm glad you asked. First, give yourself some grace. Second, recognize what your obstacles are during the holidays and resolve how you can make a positive change in the future. Third, make a plan to build your support system to meet your resolution DURING the holidays next year.

Perhaps you've already made a resolution though. That's okay. Have you thought of the the steps it's going to take you to get to your resolution or are you just focused on the end goal?  Here's the facts. Only eight percent of people actually achieve their resolutions every year. Eight percent! That's a very low number. Businesses know this and capitalize on it. Do they really care if you get to your end goal? Be smart when making your resolutions this year. Avoid the following broken promises:

1. Purchasing a Magic Pill or Drink- There is no magic bullet. I feel like a broken record. Remember FenPhen? It killed people. Why would you have to spend hundreds of dollars on a powder that is advertised as a SUPER food. There is no such thing as a super food and once something is made into a powder it has been transformed from its orginial whole product that is much better quality. Also, most of the drinks aren't regulated and let me tell you some VERY big names are being pulled from the market because they promise something they don't provide. Last but not least, a drink should only replace a meal after surgery when your GI system isn't working efficiently. Can you really rationalize that a drink is healthier than whole food? I'm intrigued.

2. "Nutrition Coaching" that is based primarily around purchasing supplements- Your body is an amazing machine. It will attempt to digest, absorb and use every vitamin and mineral you give it. Unless you have a deficiency there is no research that proves having extra of anything proves to increase metabolic efficiency, weight loss, or body mass. Anybody who is recommending a supplement should only be doing so after he/she proves you have a deficiency (labs), otherwise you are just paying for expensive urine.

3. Any detoxification agents - Your body has a liver and kidneys and if they are working correctly there is no need for you to detoxify. Plus close your eyes and think rationally. When detoxifying your body does it really make sense to put additional things in before you take the waste out? Newsflash: a true detoxification is Dialysis and trust me you don't want to need that.

4. Exercise products or gyms that advertise spot reduction- How in the world can a gym promise you how your body will react to exercise, especially if they don't know your nutrition? Also spot reduction is not possible. Promising results sets people up for failure. Do you really want to live in that negative space?

5.  Any diet that recommends excluding an entire food group- Eating a variety of food provides you with the vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients your body desires to function properly. I know the media tries to brainwash everyone to believe that your brain has a specific sensor to tell when it's eating a white potato (bad) verse a sweet potato (good) and that white potato can put a pound of true weight on but unfortunately that is not possible. The only time you should avoid a food is when you have an intolerance or allergy.

Always remember. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is and you get what you pay for. Here's to smart resolutions!

Be well,

Amy Goldsmith RDN, LDN


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