Making good decisions for meals starts with what I have on hand in my pantry and kitchen. Basically, if I don’t have the food or the organization, I struggle with ideas and get stressed with the little time I have to make dinner for my family. Between the end of the work day and daycare pickup, all of a sudden I’m ordering out again which is an added expense and an added frustration. In my house both me and my husband work with commutes, and struggle daily with the tag team event of who’s picking up the kids and getting dinner started. It is imperative that I have food in the house and have an organized menu put together to prevent going into crisis mode and calling for delivery or running to get something quick before bath and bedtime is upon us. For those of you who have homework and team sports, I can imagine dinner time is an even more stressful event. I’ve found the following tactics work for me and my family. If we sway too far from the ...